‘…giving thanks ALWAYS for ALL things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ’ – Ephesians 5:20 (emphasis added)

‘In EVERYTHING give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.’ – 1 thessalonians 5:18 (emphasis added)

There is not a season of life nor a circumstance we might find ourselves in which the Lord does not tell us to give thanks. Think about that for a minute. Everything we go throughthe good, the bad, and the ugly; in every situation there is always a reason to give thanks. 

But are you looking for the Lord’s blessings in your day? 

I find that unless it’s an exceptionally great day, it’s easy to find more reasons to moan and groan than to give thanks. It’s due to my perspective. I am focusing on the set backs, the losses, the disappointments, the failures, the tiredness, the bad things… rather than on the countless blessings. Complaining often seems to have a louder voice than the still small voice of gratitude. Despite this, we need to tune it out and change our perspective.

Does everyday really give us a reason to give thanks? 

‘Blessed be the Lord, who DAILY loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation!’ – Psalm 68:19 (emphasis added)

In short: yes! Everyday… Every week… Every month… Every year… Every morning… Every afternoon… Every evening… Every season… He blesses us.

‘Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.’ – James 1:17

Did you know your life is a gift? Did you know your salvation is a gift? Every meal you have is a gift? The sunrise, the water we drink, the roof over our heads, the legs that work, the job you work, the loved ones we have… All gifts. The list can go on and on and on. Not all are perfect gifts but all are given by the Lord. He doesn’t have to bless us, but He chooses to gift us in so many ways each day.

Don’t you find it rude when you give someone a gift and they don’t even say “thank you?” Yet how often do we do this with God? 

We have been blessed abundantly. When you find yourself complaining today, change your perspective; think about His goodness towards you, all the many gifts you possess, and give thanks in all things, always…

Selah (selah means to pause and consider what has just been said).

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